89 research outputs found

    FreeLing 2.1: Five Years of Open-Source Language Processing Tools

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    FreeLing is an open-source multilingual language processing library providing a wide range of language analyzers for several languages. It offers text processing and language annotation facilities to natural language processing application developers, simplifying the task of building those applications. FreeLing is customizable and extensible. Developers can use the default linguistic resources (dictionaries, lexicons, grammars, etc.) directly, or extend them, adapt them to specific domains, or even develop new ones for specific languages. This paper overviews the recent history of this tool, summarizes the improvements and extensions incorporated in the latest version, and depicts the architecture of the library. Special focus is brought to the fact and consequences of the library being open-source: After five years and over 35,000 downloads, a growing user community has extended the initial three languages (English, Spanish and Catalan) to eight (adding Galician, Italian, Welsh, Portuguese, and Asturian), proving that the collaborative open model is a productive approach for the development of NLP tools and resources.Postprint (published version

    The waves of feminism through comics. A didactic proposal

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    El cómic como instrumento de reivindicación de la igualdad de género ha ido recogiendo, a lo largo de los años, la evolución de la sociedad y los importantes logros de la lucha feminista. El artículo hace una revisión de ocho cómics editados en España en la última década, que repasan las distintas olas del feminismo. Olympe de Gouges, Margaret Sanger o Virginia Woolf son algunas figuras fundamentales en la historia del feminismo, y sus biografías, adaptadas recientemente al cómic, junto a otras publicaciones, nos permitirán conocer más sobre la evolución del feminismo a lo largo de la historia. Se propone un análisis desde una perspectiva didáctica para recomendar estas obras como lecturas fundamentales para la formación lectora desde una perspectiva de género.Comic as an instrument of vindication for gender equality has been collecting, over the years, the evolution of society and the important achievements of the feminist struggle. This article analyses eight comics, published in Spain in the last decade, that review the different waves of feminism. Olympe de Gouges, Margaret Sanger or Virginia Woolf are some of the fundamental figures in the history of feminism, and their biographies, adapted to the comic, along with other publications that provide a better understanding about the evolution of feminism throughout history. An analysis is proposed from a didactic perspective to recommend these works as fundamental readings for reading skills from a gender perspective.Esta investigación ha sido realizada dentro de la Red de Investigación en Docencia Universitaria: Cànon formatiu de còmic per als Graus d’ Educació Infantil, Primària i Màster de Secundària (4077) del curso 2017-2018 del programa ICE de la Universidad de Alicante https://web.ua.es/es/ice/redes/redes.htm

    Flexible comparative genomics of prokaryotic transcriptional regulatory networks

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    Comparative genomics methods enable the reconstruction of bacterial regulatory networks using available experimental data. In spite of their potential for accelerating research into the composition and evolution of bacterial regulons, few comparative genomics suites have been developed for the automated analysis of these regulatory systems. Available solutions typically rely on precomputed databases for operon and ortholog predictions, limiting the scope of analyses to processed complete genomes, and several key issues such as the transfer of experimental information or the integration of regulatory information in a probabilistic setting remain largely unaddressed. Here we introduce CGB, a flexible platform for comparative genomics of prokaryotic regulons. CGB has few external dependencies and enables fully customized analyses of newly available genome data. The platform automates the merging of experimental information and uses a gene-centered, Bayesian framework to generate and integrate easily interpretable results. We demonstrate its flexibility and power by analyzing the evolution of type III secretion system regulation in pathogenic Proteobacteria and by characterizing the SOS regulon of a new bacterial phylum, the Balneolaeota. Our results demonstrate the applicability of the CGB pipeline in multiple settings. CGB's ability to automatically integrate experimental information from multiple sources and use complete and draft genomic data, coupled with its non-reliance on precomputed databases and its easily interpretable display of gene-centered posterior probabilities of regulation provide users with an unprecedented level of flexibility in launching comparative genomics analyses of prokaryotic transcriptional regulatory networks. The analyses of type III secretion and SOS response regulatory networks illustrate instances of convergent and divergent evolution of these regulatory systems, showcasing the power of formal ancestral state reconstruction at inferring the evolutionary history of regulatory networks

    Human alpha-synuclein overexpression in mouse serotonin neurons triggers a depressive-like phenotype. Rescue by oligonucleotide therapy

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    Anxiety and depression affect 35–50% of patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD), often precede the onset of motor symptoms, and have a negative impact on their quality of life. Dysfunction of the serotonergic (5-HT) system, which regulates mood and emotional pathways, occurs during the premotor phase of PD and contributes to a variety of non-motor symptoms. Furthermore, α-synuclein (α-Syn) aggregates were identified in raphe nuclei in the early stages of the disease. However, there are very few animal models of PD-related neuropsychiatric disorders. Here, we develop a new mouse model of α-synucleinopathy in the 5-HT system that mimics prominent histopathological and neuropsychiatric features of human PD. We showed that adeno-associated virus (AAV5)-induced overexpression of wild-type human α-Syn (h-α-Syn) in raphe 5-HT neurons triggers progressive accumulation, phosphorylation, and aggregation of h-α-Syn protein in the 5-HT system. Specifically, AAV5-injected mice displayed axonal impairment in the output brain regions of raphe neurons, and deficits in brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expression and 5-HT neurotransmission, resulting in a depressive-like phenotype. Intracerebroventricular treatment with an indatraline-conjugated antisense oligonucleotide (IND-ASO) for four weeks induced an effective and safe reduction of h-α-Syn synthesis in 5-HT neurons and its accumulation in the forebrain, alleviating early deficits of 5-HT function and improving the behavioural phenotype. Altogether, our findings show that α-synucleinopathy in 5-HT neurons negatively affects brain circuits that control mood and emotions, resembling the expression of neuropsychiatric symptoms occurring at the onset of PD. Early preservation of 5-HT function by reducing α-Syn synthesis/accumulation may alleviate PD-related depressive symptoms

    Estudios de cómic en la Universidad de Alicante. De Unicómic a una red de investigación

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    Con el fin de continuar con la labor de difusión de la historieta como arte, objeto de estudio académico y herramienta didáctica que desde 1999 realiza la asociación Unicómic, coordinadora de las Jornadas del Cómic de la Universidad de Alicante de idéntico nombre, y a partir de un curso sobre la relación del noveno arte con la Literatura y la Historia celebrado en noviembre de 2013, buena parte del profesorado de este último junto a otros investigadores con inquietudes similares acaban conformando una red de investigación centrada en las posibilidades del cómic como instrumento docente, de nombre Cómic como elemento didáctico. Posibilidades de la narración gráfica en disciplinas académicas y tramos de preparación a la universidad. Dicha red articula una serie de investigaciones que pasa por la realización y tutorización de Trabajos de Fin de Grado, la participación de sus miembros en cursos académicos de diversa índole y la labor continuista de coordinación de las propias jornadas de Unicómic

    Innovar e investigar desde la narración gráfica: hacia un canon literario del cómic

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    Para el reconocimiento de la narración gráfica (cómic, tebeo, historieta, novela gráfica) como una herramienta didáctica adecuada, es necesaria la definición de un canon artístico de obras que recojan ejemplos principales que se conviertan en obras de referencia. Ya en el canon de cien obras de literatura infantil-juvenil del siglo XX (Equipo Peonza, 2004) aparecen ocho obras que podríamos definir como cómic. Desde la red de investigación en docencia universitaria sobre cómic didáctico y continuando la labor que desde 1999 realiza Unicómic, las Jornadas del Cómic de la Universidad de Alicante, hemos desarrollado una serie de iniciativas para intentar configurar un canon artístico del cómic, que posteriormente generará un canon escolar con aplicaciones didácticas específicas. En el siguiente trabajo presentaremos una primera selección de obras fundamentales a partir de las entrevistas realizadas a distintos autores, críticos y docentes especialistas en el cómic, que podríamos incluir en cualquier proyecto de promoción lectora o plan de lectura en Educación Primaria y Secundaria

    Human α-synuclein overexpression in mouse serotonin neurons triggers a depressive-like phenotype. Rescue by oligonucleotide therapy

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    Anxiety and depression affect 35–50% of patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD), often precede the onset of motor symptoms, and have a negative impact on their quality of life. Dysfunction of the serotonergic (5-HT) system, which regulates mood and emotional pathways, occurs during the premotor phase of PD and contributes to a variety of non-motor symptoms. Furthermore, α-synuclein (α-Syn) aggregates were identified in raphe nuclei in the early stages of the disease. However, there are very few animal models of PD-related neuropsychiatric disorders. Here, we develop a new mouse model of α-synucleinopathy in the 5-HT system that mimics prominent histopathological and neuropsychiatric features of human PD. We showed that adeno-associated virus (AAV5)-induced overexpression of wild-type human α-Syn (h-α-Syn) in raphe 5-HT neurons triggers progressive accumulation, phosphorylation, and aggregation of h-α-Syn protein in the 5-HT system. Specifically, AAV5-injected mice displayed axonal impairment in the output brain regions of raphe neurons, and deficits in brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expression and 5-HT neurotransmission, resulting in a depressive-like phenotype. Intracerebroventricular treatment with an indatraline-conjugated antisense oligonucleotide (IND-ASO) for four weeks induced an effective and safe reduction of h-α-Syn synthesis in 5-HT neurons and its accumulation in the forebrain, alleviating early deficits of 5-HT function and improving the behavioural phenotype. Altogether, our findings show that α-synucleinopathy in 5-HT neurons negatively affects brain circuits that control mood and emotions, resembling the expression of neuropsychiatric symptoms occurring at the onset of PD. Early preservation of 5-HT function by reducing α-Syn synthesis/accumulation may alleviate PD-related depressive symptoms.We thank to the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Nivel Superior (CAPES-PDSE: 19/2016 88881.135527/2016-01), Brazil, for their financial support via a scholarship awarded to C.C.-S. We also thank JAE-Intro Program, CSIC (JAEINT_20_02116), Spain, for their financial support via a scholarship awarded to M.T.-L. This study was supported by grants SAF2016-75797-R, PID2019-105136RB-100, Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), UE; and CB/07/09/0034 Center for Networked Biomedical Research on Mental Health (CIBERSAM)

    Intracerebral Administration of a Ligand-ASO Conjugate Selectively Reduces α-Synuclein Accumulation in Monoamine Neurons of Double Mutant Human A30P*A53T*α-Synuclein Transgenic Mice

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    α-Synuclein (α-Syn) protein is involved in the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease (PD). Point mutations and multiplications of the α-Syn, which encodes the SNCA gene, are correlated with early-onset PD, therefore the reduction in a-Syn synthesis could be a potential therapy for PD if delivered to the key affected neurons. Several experimental strategies for PD have been developed in recent years using oligonucleotide therapeutics. However, some of them have failed or even caused neuronal toxicity. One limiting step in the success of oligonucleotide-based therapeutics is their delivery to the brain compartment, and once there, to selected neuronal populations. Previously, we developed an indatraline-conjugated antisense oligonucleotide (IND-1233-ASO), that selectively reduces α-Syn synthesis in midbrain monoamine neurons of mice, and nonhuman primates. Here, we extended these observations using a transgenic male mouse strain carrying both A30P and A53T mutant human α-Syn (A30P*A53T*α-Syn). We found that A30P*A53T*α-Syn mice at 4–5 months of age showed 3.5-fold increases in human α-Syn expression in dopamine (DA) and norepinephrine (NE) neurons of the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc) and locus coeruleus (LC), respectively, compared with mouse α-Syn levels. In parallel, transgenic mice exhibited altered nigrostriatal DA neurotransmission, motor alterations, and an anxiety-like phenotype. Intracerebroventricular IND-1233-ASO administration (100 µg/day, 28 days) prevented the α-Syn synthesis and accumulation in the SNc and LC, and recovered DA neurotransmission, although it did not reverse the behavioral phenotype. Therefore, the present therapeutic strategy based on a conjugated ASO could be used for the selective inhibition of α-Syn expression in PD-vulnerable monoamine neurons, showing the benefit of the optimization of ASO molecules as a disease modifying therapy for PD and related α-synucleinopathies.This study was supported by grants SAF2016-75797-R, PID2019-105136RB-100, Retos- Colaboración Subprogram RTC-2015-3309-1, Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), UE; and CB/07/09/0034 Center for Networked Biomedical Research on Mental Health (CIBERSAM)

    Cómic como instrumento didáctico. La narración gráfica en ámbito universitario

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    Mediante la red 3489, se ha pretendido dar, tal como ya se hizo en la convocatòria anterior de Redes de la UA, presencia académica a la labor de estudio y difusión sobre las posibilidades didácticas del cómic que se viene desarrollando desde los núcleos de Unicómic y CLUECA. En este sentido, la memoria pretende ser testimonio del trabajo investigador y docente llevado a cabo por los diversos miembros en el curso académico 2015-2016. A nuestro juicio, hacer recuento del camino recorrido es condición indispensable para otear el futuro, en el cual debemos depurar las actividades realizadas y, en consecuencia, ampliarlas y hacerlas perdurar en el tiempo

    Increasing breast milk betaine modulates Akkermansia abundance in mammalian neonates and improves long-term metabolic health

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    Accelerated postnatal growth is a potentially modifiable risk factor for future obesity. To study how specific breast milk components contribute to early growth and obesity risk, we quantified one-carbon metabolism-related metabolites in human breast milk and found an inverse association between milk betaine content and infant growth. This association was replicated in an independent and geographically distinct cohort. To determine the potential role of milk betaine in modulating offspring obesity risk, we performed maternal betaine supplementation experiments in mice. Higher betaine intake during lactation increased milk betaine content in dams and led to lower adiposity and improved glucose homeostasis throughout adulthood in mouse offspring. These effects were accompanied by a transient increase in Akkermansia spp. abundance in the gut during early life and a long-lasting increase in intestinal goblet cell number. The link between breast milk betaine and Akkermansia abundance in the gut was also observed in humans, as infants exposed to higher milk betaine content during breastfeeding showed higher fecal Akkermansia muciniphila abundance. Furthermore, administration of A. muciniphila to mouse pups during the lactation period partially replicated the effects of maternal breast milk betaine, including increased intestinal goblet cell number, lower adiposity, and improved glucose homeostasis during adulthood. These data demonstrate a link between breast milk betaine content and long-term metabolic health of offspring.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio